The 2024 ESARDA Annual Meeting will held at the Luxembourg Convention Center, from 14-16 May 2024. This annual meeting is a closed meeting reserved to ESARDA Steering Committee, Executive Board and Working Groups’ members, i.e. Parties, Associated and Individual members and ad hoc contributors, as agreed by WG Chairs.
- nuclear safeguards
- Tuesday 14 May 2024, 08:30 - Thursday 16 May 2024, 17:00 (CEST)
- Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 14 May 2024, 08:30 - Thursday 16 May 2024, 17:00 (CEST)
- Where
- Luxembourg Convention Center4 Pl. de l'Europe, 1499 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Languages
- English
Side meetings will be held on Monday May 13th at the Euroforum (EUFO) building in Luxembourg:
14.00 ESARDA Steering Committee
16.00 Executive Board
17.00 INMM ISD meeting
The Plenary event will be held on Tuesday May 14th, Luxembourg Convention Center , divided into:
- morning session with keynote speeches of the ESARDA President, European Commission DGs ENER and JRC, IAEA
- afternoon session with invited lectures.
Wednesday 15th all day and Thursday 16th morning will be dedicated to parallel Working Group meetings and the afternoon of Thursday 16th Closing plenary (Luxembourg Convention Center).
The Annual Meeting will be held in-person with live streaming of the plenary sessions. WGs meeting might be held in hybrid mode on the discretion and organisation of each WGs.
The Monday side meetings will be held in hybrid mode.