ESARDA has established standing Working Groups dealing with various technical subjects. They are the key bodies of ESARDA and are of two basic types:
The Discipline-Oriented Working Groups
- Techniques and Standards for Destructive Analysis
- Techniques and Standards for Non-Destructive Analysis
- Containment and Surveillance
Other Working Groups on specific issues
- Editorial Committee
- Export Control
- Final Disposal
- Implementation of Safeguards
- Material Balance Evaluation
- Training and Knowledge Management
- Verification Technologies and Methodologies
International Working Group
- Gamma Spectrometry Techniques for U/Pu Isotopics
Working Groups having recently reached their objectives, whose implementation activities are incorporated into the “Implementation of Safeguards” WG:
- Fuel Fabrication Plants
- Nuclear Material Accountancy and Audit Focus Group
The following Working Groups existed previously:
- BFC - Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- LEU - Low Enriched Uranium
- NA/NT - Novel Approaches / Novel Technologies
Each Working Group has a Chair whose responsibility it is to ensure that the Working Group achieves its objectives.