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Techniques&Standards for Non Destructive Analysis

Working Group

Andrea Favalli
European Commission DG
Directorate G - Nuclear Safety and Security
Department G.II - Nuclear Science, Safeguards and Security
Ispra (VA), Italy

The Working Group for techniques and standards for Non-Destructive Analysis (ESARDA NDA-WG) was established with the mission to provide the Safeguards Community with expert advice on Non Destructive Analysis methods, procedures, reference materials and on the performance of NDA methods, as stated in its Terms of Reference. It acts as a forum for the exchange of information on Non Destructive Analysis methods, gathering national, regional and international control authorities, together with plant operators and R&D laboratories. This paper will describe the function, the composition and the activities of the NDA Working Group, by giving an overview of the major ongoing or recently completed projects.

Terms of Reference


To provide the Safeguards Community with expert advice on Non Destructive Analysis methods, procedures on standards and reference materials and on the performance of NDA methods.


To achieve the above objectives the NDA Working Group will:

  1. Maintain a list of NDA methods and instruments currently used or under development for accountancy and verification purposes.
  2. Determine the reliability of NDA methods where possible with intercomparison exercises of safeguards measurements.
  3. Advise EURATOM and IAEA on the implementation of new and improved methods and advise on areas where R and D is needed.
  4. Promote and coordinate R and D programs to fulfil safeguards and nuclear material management needs.
  5. Promote the systematic and correct use of Reference Materials by:
    • Maintaining a list of Reference Materials available within the European Union and elsewhere.
    • Maintaining information on their traceability.
    • Identifying new needs and, accordingly, promoting the procurement of new reference materials.
    • Advising on the Reference Material distribution and transport problems.
  6. Assess and disseminate Performance Values for Uncertainties in NDA methods of nuclear material measurement.
  7. Participate in the review, and promote the use of, International Target Values for uncertainties in measurements of nuclear material.
  8. Consider sampling errors and sampling problems and their significance for NDA results.
  9. Promote the use of internationally agreed definitions and terminology in the reporting of measurement results.
  10. Assist in the development of new NDA methods in support of new safeguards requirements.
  11. Promote cooperation with other working groups and the inspection authorities.
  12. Collaborate with other working groups to develop comprehensive and integrated (e.g. integrated C/S-NDA systems) tools to fulfil new safeguards requirements.

NDA Documents and Publications

  • 23 MARCH 2021
Activities of the ESARDA Working Group for techniques and standards for Non-Destructive Analysis
  • 23 MARCH 2021
Performance values for non destructive assay (NDA) techiques applied to safeguards: The 2002evaluation by the Esarda NDA working group
  • 25 MARCH 2021
A Good Practice Guide for the use of Modelling Codes in Non Destructive Assay of Nuclear Materials
  • 25 MARCH 2021
Monte Carlo benchmark exercises of the NDA Working Group
  • 25 MARCH 2021
Guidelines for Developing Unattended and Remote Monitoring and Measurement Systems