- Identification
- ISBN 978-92-76-09684-9, ISSN 1831-9424, doi: 10.2760/07768, EUR 24882 EN
- Publication date
- 22 June 2011
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
- Country
- Hungary
The 33rd ESARDA Symposium was a great success attended by over 240 international participants. The event was hosted by the Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency, and chaired by Dr. K. Horvath, ESARDA President for the period 2011-2012. The 3-days’ programme included 2 Plenary and 24 parallel sessions for a total of 131 papers. Two parallel sessions were dedicated to posters, with the novelty of 3 minutes’ oral introduction each. The opening Plenary included the presentation of IAEA DDG H. Nackaerts, who described the new objectives-based safeguards system and the recent changes in the Agency’s internal organization allowing a better use of resources for the State Evaluation process. The presentation by DG ENER E Director P. Szymanski gave an overview of EURATOM safeguards system, which is a worldwide reference. K. Luetzenkirchen, on behalf of JRC ITU Director T. Fanghaenel presented an overview of JRC activities in nuclear safeguards and security. After a presentation about Hungarian plans for new nuclear power plants, the plenary was closed by the summary of the ESARDA Reflection Group 2010 findings, by M. Richard, with a list of recommendations on how ESARDA should tackle the new non-proliferation challenges.