- Identification
- ISSN 1977-5296
- Publication date
- 1 March 1994
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
PERLA International Workshop on Calorimetry
Joint Research Centre
ESARDA International Workshop on Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting
Joint Research Centre
The role of non-quantifiable aspects in nuclear safeguards
R. Schenkel, W. Kloeckner
Fork Detector Measurements on LRW Spent Fuel
R. Carchon, W. De Boeck, G. Bergmans, R. Bragard, C. Walrave
1993 International Target Values for Uncertainty Components in Measurements of Amount of Nuclear Material for Safeguards Purposes
S. Deron, E. Kuhn, C. Pietri, P. De Bièvre, T. Adalchi, K.lwamoto, S.G. De Almeida, P. Doutreluingne, R. Schott, S. Guardini, H. Wagner, R.Weh, J.L. Jaech
ESARDA Bulletin N.23