- Identification
- ISSN 1977-5296
- Publication date
- 1 December 1998
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
Neutron Position Sensitive Detectors: Development and Application to the Minimization of Uncertainties
J.P. Coulon
Uncertainty Estimates for Neutron Coincidence Measurements
R. Haas, M. Swinhoe
Internet - the New Pathway for Information
U. Kotte
One year of ESARDA activities
Seminar on “Modern Verification Regimes: Synergies, Differences and Challenges”
Workshop on “Science and Modern Technology for Safeguards”
Workshop on “Quality Requirements for NDA in Safeguards”
Tripartite Seminar on “Nuclear Material Accounting and Control at Radiochemical Plants”
Grand Opening Ceremony of the Russian Methodological and Training Centre (RMTC)
ESARDA Bulletin N.29