- Identification
- ISSN 1977-5296
- Publication date
- 1 April 2002
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
Scientific Papers
International Standardization In Semiconductor Detector Spectrometry
Y.P. Seldiakov, D.Sc.
Sample Analysis Methods for Accountancy and Verification - A Compendium of Currently Applied Analytical Methods -
K. Mayer, R. Wellum
The Application of the Guide to Uncertainty in Measurement in Safeguards
R. Wellum
ESARDA activities
Result of the ESARDA “Reals” Prediction Benchmark Exercise Analysis of the outcome of the ESARDA/INMM Workshop on “Science and Modern Technology for Safeguards”
ESARDA Scientific Council & Co-ordination Board.
The ESARDA Working Group for Low Enriched Uranium Conversion and Fabrication Plant
F. Mousty
ESARDA Working Group for Non Destructive Assay Nuclear Techniques: Rôle and Developments
S. Guardini
International Target Values 2000 for Measurement Uncertainties in Safeguarding Nuclear Materials Control of Nuclear Material Holdup In MOX Fuel Fabrication Plants in Europe
By the members of the ESARDA MOX Working Group
Report of the ESARDA Reflection Group 2000
M. Cuypers, on behalf of the Reflection Group
ESARDA Members’ contributions
Handbook of Gamma Spectrometry Methods for Non Destructive Assay of Nuclear Materials
P. Mortreau, R. Berndt