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  • Scientific paper

ESARDA Bulletin N.33


ISSN 1977-5296
Publication date
1 February 2006
Joint Research Centre



To peer review or not to peer review, that is the question
B. Autrusson

Scientific Papers

Spectral Tagging
H.A. Smartt

Tomography for partial-defect verification experiences from measurements using different devices
S. Jacobsson Svärd

ESARDA Activities

Result of the Montecarlo "Simple case" benchmark exercise
ESARDA NDA Working Group

Striving for Quality in Nuclear Analytical Laboratories
Summary of a dedicated meeting of the ESARDA DA Working Group

The Impact of Integration of INFCIRC/153 and INFCIRC/540 Safeguards on the Use of Containment and Surveillance
ESARDA Working Group on Containment and Surveillance

Guidelines for Developing Unattended and Remote Monitoring and Measurement Systems
prepared by the ESARDA Working Groups on Containment and Surveillance (C/S) and Techniques and Standards for Non Destructive Analysis (NDA)

ESARDA Bulletin N.33 THMB


  • 22 APRIL 2021
ESARDA Bulletin N.33