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  • Scientific paper

ESARDA Bulletin N.48 - Special Issue


ISSN 1977-5296
Publication date
1 December 2012
Joint Research Centre


Technical Article

International Target Values 2010 for Measurement Uncertainties in Safeguarding Nuclear Materials
K. Zhao, M. Penkin, C. Norman, S. Balsley, K. Mayer, P. Peerani, C. Pietri, S. Tapodi, Y. Tsutaki, M. Boella, G. Renha Jr., E. Kuhn Consultant


This issue of the International Target Values (ITVs) represents the sixth revision, following the first release of such tables issued in 1979 by the ESARDA/WGDA. The ITVs are uncertainties to be considered in judging the reliability of analytical techniques applied to industrial nuclear and fissile material, which are subject to safeguards verification. The tabulated values represent estimates of the ‘state of the practice’ which should be achievable under routine measurement conditions. The most recent standard conventions in representing uncertainty have been considered, while maintaining a format that allows comparison with the previous releases of the ITVs. The pre-sent report explains why target values are needed, how the concept evolved and how they relate to the operator’s and inspector’s measurement systems. The ITVs-2010 are intended to be used by plant operators and safeguards organisations, as a reference of the quality of measurements achievable in nuclear material accountancy, and for planning purposes. The report suggests that the use of ITVs can be beneficial for statistical inferences regarding the significance of operator-inspector differences whenever valid performance values are not available.

ESARDA Bulletin N.48 THMB


  • 12 MARCH 2021
ESARDA Bulletin N.48 (Special Issue)