- Identification
- ISSN 1977-5296
- Publication date
- 1 April 1983
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
L. Stanchi
The Year 1982 in Retrospective
W.L. Zijp
International Symposium on Recent Advances in Nuclear Material Safeguards
R.J.S. Harry
Papers authored or co-authored by people of ESARDA Countries presented at the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Nuclear Material Safeguards
R. Beedgen
Cooperative Development of Safeguards within the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA)
Willem L. Zijp
Development and Testing of Systems and I Techniques for Safeguards of Spent Fuel Reprocessing Facilities
G. Bardane, F. Pazzi
An Advanced Nondestructive Assay System for Reliable and Timely Nuclear Materials Accountancy in Reprocessing
H. Ottmar
Activities of ESARDA Working Groups
Reprocessing Input Verification
ESARDA Bulletin N.4