- Identification
- ISSN 1977-5296
- Publication date
- 1 December 2013
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
Peer Reviewed Articles
Particle size inhomogeneity effect on neutron resonance densitometry
B. Becker, H. Harada, K. Kauwenberghs, F. Kitatani, M. Koizumi et al
Development of neutron resonance densitometry at the GELINA TOF-facility
P. Schillebeeckx, S. Abousahl, B. Becker, A. Borella, F. Emiliani et al.
Expanding the Capabilities of Neutron Multiplicity Measurements: Conclusions from a 4 year Project
B. Goddard, W. Charlton, M. Swinhoe and P. Peerani
Determination of the half-life and specific thermal power of 241Pu by nuclear calorimetry
S. Croft, P.A. Santi and R.D. McElroy
The detection of reactor antineutrinos for reactor core monitoring- an overview
M. Fallot
Burnup monitoring of spent fuel assemblies
I. Almási, C.T. Nguyen, Z. Hlavathy, J. Zsigrai, L. Lakosi, P. Nagy
Development of a reference spent fuel library of 17x17 PWR fuel assemblies
R. Rossa, A. Borella and K. van der Meer
Seismic Monitoring of an Underground Repository in Salt
J. Altman
Intrinsic fingerprints inspection for identification of dry fuel storage casks
D. Demyanuk, M. Kroening, A. Lider, D. Chumak and D. Sednev
State Regulatory Authority (SRA) Coordination of 3S of Nuclear Facilities- A Framework for Analysis
S. Mladineo, S. Frazar, A. Kurzrok, E. Martikka, T. Hack and T. Wiander
Collection and Analysis of Open Source News for Information Awareness and Early Warning
G.G.M. Cojazzi, E. van Der Goot, M. Verile and E. Wolfart
New Approaches and New Technologies for the Verification of Nuclear Disarmament
D. Keir
Confirmation of Nuclear Treaty Limited Items- Pre-dismantlement vs. Post-dismantlement
D. MacArthur, D. Hauck and M. Smith