- Identification
- ISSN 1977-5296
- Publication date
- 1 June 2015
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
Peer Reviewed Articles
Real‑time, fast neutron detection for stimulated safeguards assay
M.J. Joyce, J. Adamczyk, M.D. Aspinall, F.D. Cave, and R. Plenteda
Influence of fuel composition on the spent fuel verification by Self‑Interrogation Neutron Resonance Densitometry
R. Rossa, A. Borella, P.‑E. Labeau, N. Pauly, K. van der Meer
Analytical estimate of high energy gamma‑ray emissions from neutron induced reactions in U-235, U-238, Pu-239 and Pu-240
F. Postelt, F. Zeiser, G. Kirchner
The Use of Measurement Uncertainty in Nuclear Materials Accountancy and Verification
O. Alique; S. Vaccaro; J. Svedkauskaite
Particle Swarm Imaging (PSIM) – A swarming algorithm for the reporting of robust, optimal measurement uncertainties
D. Parvin, S. Clarke
Monitoring Nuclear Facilities Using Satellite Imagery and Associated Remote Sensing Techniques
M. Lafitte and J.‑P. Robin
Modelling Seismic-Signal Propagation at a Salt Dome for Safeguards Monitoring
J. Altmann
Safeguards Indexing Method for the Regulatory Assessment of Safeguards Culture at Nuclear Facilities
Zsolt Stefánka, Hedvig Éva Nagy, Árpád Vincze
Systems Approach to Arms Control Verification
K. Allen, C. Chen, M. Dreicer, I. Niemeyer, C. Listner and G. Stein
Nuclear Forensics Technologies in Japan
N. Shinohara, Y. Kimura, A. Okubo and H. Tomikawa
Application of the GIF PR&PP methodology to a commercial fast reactor system for a preliminary analysis of PR scenarios
F. Rossi
Non Peer Reviewed Articles
Reflected‑Point‑Reactor Kinetics Model for Neutron Coincidence Counting: Comments on the Equation for the Leakage Self‑Multiplication
S. Croft, A. Favalli, D. Hauck, D. Henzlova, V. Henzl, R.D. McElroy Jr., and P.A. Santi
Workshop on He-3 alternatives for safeguards applications
C. Carrapico, B. Pedersen, V. Forcina, P. Peerani, F. Rosas, A. Rozite, H. Tagziria, G. Takoudis, A. Tomanin
Proliferation Resistance and Material type considerations within the collaborative project for a European Sodium Fast Reactor
G. Renda, F. Alim and G.G.M. Cojazzi