- Identification
- ISSN 1977-5296
- Publication date
- 30 June 2021
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
Investigating the sensitivity to irradiation history when predicting fuel parameters using random forest regression
Erik Branger, Zsolt Elter, Sophie Grape and Markus Preston
Sensitivity analysis of the Rossi-Alpha Distribution and the early die-away time τ from the DDSI instrument due to modelling assumptions
Sophie Grape, Zsolt Elter, Erik Branger, LI Pöder Balkeståhl
Uncertainty quantification as presented in training courses for safeguards inspectors
Elisa Bonner, Thomas Burr, Thomas Krieger, Klaus Martin, Claude Norman, Peter Santi
Fast neutron dose rate monitoring using off the shelf Helium-4 scintillation detectors
Paolo Tancioni, Rico Chandra, Marco Panniello, Ulisse Gendotti
Supporting the Additional Protocol declarations on nuclear research and technology by the TIM DU platform
Filippo Sevini, Enzo Caponetti, Christos Charatsis, Xavier Arnes Novau
Three properties of DLTs systems adding value to nuclear safeguards – immutability, timestamping and auditability
Marco Sachy, Roberto Spigolon and Stefan Nonneman