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Specific report

Guidelines for Developing Unattended and Remote Monitoring and Measurement Systems


Publication date
15 September 2004
Joint Research Centre


In December 2000, the ESARDA Scientific Council and Co-ordination Board (SCCB) charged the Working Groups on C/S and on NDA to collaborate in promoting technical developments.

The SCCB encouraged the Working Group on C/S to take the lead in preparing a guidelines document on comprehensive and integrated tools (e.g., integrated C/S-NDA systems) to support new safeguards requirements. This activity will meet the Working Group’s objective ‘To promote the technical evolution of automated and remote monitoring instrumentation needed by large, automated fuel facilities for cost effective operation, concentrating on the safeguards perspective’. The strategy would be ‘to collaborate with other Working Groups to develop guidelines’ and ‘to prepare a guidelines document’.


25 MARCH 2021
Guidelines for Developing Unattended and Remote Monitoring and Measurement Systems