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Report on the Workshop on Reference Material needs and Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainties in Destructive (DA) and Non-Destructive Analysis (NDA)


Publication date
12 December 2013
Joint Research Centre


Authors: Y. Aregbe, H. Toivonen, A-L. Weber, J. Dackner, P. Klumpp, T. Prohaska, E. Zuleger,   O. Alique, R. Bencardino, R. Jakopic, P. Peerani

The  ESARDA  Working  Groups  on  Techniques  and  Standards  for  Destructive  Analysis  (WG DA);  on  Techniques  and  Standards  for  Non-Destructive  Analysis  (WG  NDA);  and  on  Novel Approaches/Novel  Technologies  (WG  NA/NT)  organised a  dedicated  workshop  on ‘Reference material  needs  and  evaluation  of  measurement  uncertainties  in  Destructive  (DA)  and  Non-Destructive   Analysis   (NDA)’.   This   workshop   was   hosted   by   the   European   Commission Directorate  General  Energy  (DGENER)  Nuclear  Safeguards  in  Luxembourg  from  5-7  March 2013. The workshop addressed the needs for standards/reference materials supporting DA and NDA  instrument  metrology  and  conformity  assessment,  and  their  application  in  estimation  of measurement uncertainty including also uncertainty in nuclear data in view of new approaches in safeguards and needs for improvement of accuracy of existing DA and NDA techniques. The focus was to establish a regular exchange on these topics relevant to all three working groups with  a  special  emphasis  on  supporting  the  needs  of safeguards  inspectors  and  evaluators. Participation  was  open  to  members  and  observers  of the  three  ESARDA  WGs,  to  DGENER and  to  a  limited  number  of  invited  participants  from  expert  and  research  institutes.  Forty-nine representatives  from  the  main  European  and  international  nuclear  safeguards  organisations, reference  measurement  institutes,  metrology  institutes,  nuclear  measurement  laboratories, nuclear  industry  and  from environmental  sciences  institutes  participated  in  this  workshop.  The plenary  lecture  on  ‘Euratom  safeguards  –  inspections  –  evaluations’  given  by  DGENER  was followed  by  foursessions,  the  first  on  'Safeguards  -  Inspections  and  Evaluations',  the  second on  'Destructive  Analysis',  the  third  on  'Non-Destructive  Analysis',  and  the  fourth  session  on 'Novel  Technologies'.  The  findings  and  points  of  discussion  from  these sessions  were  further discussed  in  a  working  group  using  the  ‘World-Café’  approach  around  five  selected  topics, ensuring  that  all  participants  could  benefit  from  the  ‘collective  intelligence’.  This  report  is  a summary of the points of discussion raised  during the sessions and in the  working group. The WS  participants  proposed  recommendations  for  setting  priorities  on  needs  of  reference materials in DA and NDA, for strengthening the understanding based on metrological principles and  theGuide  to  the  expression  of  uncertainty  in  measurement  (GUM)  between  different approaches  in  uncertainty  estimation  for  DA/NDA,  and  in  the  evaluation  of  reported  results. Furthermore  recommendations  were  given  in  view  of  compliance  with  international  standards and the implementation of quality systems. Research and development towards new methods, new instruments, novel technologies, and modelling should be carried out having in mind right from  the  outset  the  requirements  of  feasibility,  transparency,  traceability  and  accuracy  of measurement   results.   A   particular   outcome   of   this   workshop   was   that   all   participants recognised  the  need  and  the  benefit  of  intensifying  cooperation  and  exchange  between  the safeguards;  operators;  research;  and  metrology  communities,  and  follow-up  activities  were suggested.


  • 23 MARCH 2021
Report on the Workshop on Reference Material needs and Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainties in Destructive (DA) and Non-Destructive Analysis (NDA)