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  • Scientific paper

Reporting Security Concerns in the Nuclear/Radiological Industry: New Evidence to the Study of Whistle-blowing

ESARDA Bulletin - The International Journal of Nuclear Safeguards and Non-Proliferation


ISSN 1977-5296, DOI: 10.3011/ESARDA.IJNSNP.2018.7
Publication date
1 December 2018
Joint Research Centre


Volume: 57, December 2018, pages 2-21

Authors: Iryna Iarema and Katherine M. Bachner

Non-proliferation and National Security Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Abstract: The international community stresses the necessity to report discrepancies in security procedures and build an environment conducive for fostering security culture inside organizations that handle nuclear or radiological materials. In reality, however, there have been a number of instances where reports on nuclear security were not encouraged by organizations or were left without needed corrective actions. Such an attitude, where reports on security matters, instead of serving as an internal ‘early warning signal’ leading to enhancement of security, have been put aside or entered the public domain after external reporting, is to a great extent caused by a lack of knowledge on how to deal with them and what drives people to report.

This article aims to study challenges and drivers for reporting in the nuclear and radiological sector. First, it discusses the meaning of whistle-blowing and reporting. Secondly, it demonstrates how reporting is encouraged by the international community through IAEA guidance and Nuclear Industry Summit statements. Then by using survey data received from 56 participants, the study examines factors influencing reporting. This analysis is supported by an overview of some real-life examples related to reporting or raising concerns about security procedures in organizations that handle nuclear or radiological materials.

Keywords: whistle-blowing; reporting in organizations; nuclear security; nuclear security culture; drivers of reporting

Reference guideline:

Iarema, I., & Bachner, K.M. (2018). Reporting Security Concerns in the Nuclear/Radiological Industry: New Evidence to the Study of Whistle-blowing. ESARDA Bulletin - The International Journal of Nuclear Safeguards and Non-proliferation, 57, 2-21. ESARDA.IJNSNP.2018.7



  • 22 JULY 2022
Reporting Security Concerns in the Nuclear/Radiological Industry: New Evidence to the Study of Whistle-blowing