- Identification
- ISSN: 1977-5296, DOI: 10.3011/ESARDA.IJNSNP.2021.5
- Publication date
- 1 June 2021
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
Volume: 62, June 2021, pages 43-59,
Authors: Filippo Sevini1, Enzo Caponetti2, Christos Charatsis1 and Xavier Arnes-Novau1
1European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), 2University of Liège
Research subject to dual-use trade controls may play an important role in proliferation programmes because the exchanges among research entities are traditionally open and prone to be exploited by third countries’ illicit developments.
For these reasons, apart from information “in the public domain” or “basic scientific research”, transfers of nuclear technology are subject to export authorisation requirements and government-to-government assurances like the export of tangible goods, as specified by the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s guidelines and national export control laws.
Also the requirements of the Model Additional Protocol to the Agreement(s) between States and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards include declarations about national research and development activities related to the nuclear fuel cycle, but do not require declarations of technology transfers to third countries.
The European Commission JRC, in collaboration with Liege University, has developed the Tools for Innovation Monitoring Dual-use (TIM DU) platform that can facilitate the identification of entities publishing research with a dual-use potential in the various countries. Together with many dual-use goods and emerging technologies, TIM DU maps nuclear-fuel cycle activities’ results included in scientific abstracts, patents, and EU-funded projects, allowing analysts to gather lists of documents, geographical distributions, collaborations, and authors related to these activities.
These results can help the national authorities submitting declarations to IAEA in accordance with Additional Protocol’s Article 2.a, both to identify also previously unknown national research actors and their collaboration networks, as well as to raise the awareness of national research entities about potential sensitivities with external collaborators. The IAEA could also use TIM DU to support the verification of the completeness and correctness of the declarations concerning nuclear fuel cycle research.
Keywords: export control; nuclear safeguards; non-proliferation; dual-use; research; strategic trade; intangible technology transfers
Reference guideline:
Sevini, F., Caponetti, E., Charatsis, C., & Arnes-Novau, X. (2021). Supporting the Additional Protocol declarations on nuclear research and technology by the JRC TIM DU platform. ESARDA Bulletin - The International Journal of Nuclear Safeguards and Non-proliferation, 62, 43-59.