- Identification
- ISSN 1977-5296
- Publication date
- 1 December 2011
- Author
- Joint Research Centre
Peer Reviewed Articles
He-3 Replacement for Nuclear Safeguards Applications - an Integrated Test Program to Compare Alternative Neutron Detectors
H.O. Menlove, D. Henzlova, L.G. Evans, M.T. Swinhoe, and J.B. Marlow
The Role of Monte Carlo Burnup Calculations in Quantifying Plutonium Mass in Spent Fuel Assemblies with Non-Destructive Assay
Jack D. Galloway, Stephen J. Tobin, Holly R. Trellue, and M. L. Fensin
Application and Development of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Instrumentation for International Safeguards
J. E. Barefield II, L.L. Lopez, J. L. Jolin, and S. M. Clegg
Development of Solution Monitoring Software for enhanced safeguards at a large scale reprocessing facility
C. Van Handenhove, D. Breban, C. Creusot, P. Dransart, L. Dechamp, E. Jardé
Error estimation in nuclear material weighing
B. Thaurel
High Resolution Radar Satellite Imagery Analysis for Safeguards Applications
C. Minet, M. Eineder, A. Rezniczek and I. Niemeyer
Preparation and development of new Pu spike isotopic reference materials at IRMM
R. Jakopič, J. Bauwens, S. Richter, M. Sturm, A. Verbruggen, R. Wellum, R. Eykens, F. Kehoe, H. Kühn and Y. Aregbe
Safeguards by Design – As Applied to the Sellafield Product and Residue Store (SPRS)
P. Chare, Y. Lahogue, P. Schwalbach, A. Smejkal, B. Patel
A Safeguardability Check-List for Safeguard by Design
F. Sevini, G. Renda and V. Sidlova
The Role of NMAC Audits in Euratom Safeguards – Development of an audit framework
Ó.A. Moya, C. Hill, W. Kahnmeyer, C. Koutsoyannopoulos, M. Boella
Transparency and other State-Specific Factors: Exploration of Ideas for Evolving the IAEA’s System of State-Evaluations and Safeguards Implementation
C. Everton, R. Leslie, S. Bayer, M. East
The National Implementation of Nuclear Export Controls: Developing a Best Practice Model
A. Viski
Group Representation of the Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum of 252Cf
S. Croft and K. Miller
The Passive Neutron Enrichment Meter for Uranium Cylinder Assay
K. A. Miller, H. O. Menlove, M. T. Swinhoe, J. B. Marlow
Working Group Activities
Report by the Working Group on Verification Technologies and Methodologies
M. Richard
Report by the Working Group on Novel Technologies - Novel Approaches
H. Toivonen
Report by the Working Group on Containment and Surveillance
J.G.M. Gonçalves
Report by the Working Group on Non Destructive Analysis
P. Peerani and A. Webber
Report by the Working Group on Training and Knowledge Management
T. Jonter, M. Marín-Ferrer and S. Grape
9th ESARDA Course on Nuclear Safeguards and Non Proliferation-TKM WG
M. Marín-Ferrer
Report on the Workshop on LA-ICP_MS organized by the Destructive Analysis Working Group
Y. Aregbe, T. Prohaska, Z. Stefanka , É. Széles , A Hubert , S Boulyga
Technical Article
COMPUCEA for on-site accountancy verification